Chemical Peels FAQs
Once the procedure is over, you will see your skin become slightly swollen and red. However, this is normal and should go away within 24 hours. Around 3-4 days after the procedure, your skin will exfoliate naturally, so it’s a good idea to avoid wearing any makeup. This can be a dramatic change, as it can help to shed and smooth out the most superficial parts of your skin. However, the overall result is beautiful and radiant skin that will last for months. No downtime is necessary after the procedure, so you can return to most regular activities right away. However, it’s important to avoid doing too much activity for the first few days, as sweating can change your results.
The Perfect Peel is the safest peels on the market today. Our Austin office provides hundreds of chemical treatments per year. There are many options when it comes to facial peeling, but our patients tell us that the Perfect Peel is their go-to chemical peel solution. Other treatment includes:
TCA peel
Salicylic acid peel
Lactic acid peel
Jessner peel
PCA peel
Phenol peel
Blue peel
In our office, the procedure takes
Patients who adhere to a suitable skincare routine and avoid sun can observe lasting effects. We suggest 2-4 treatments monthly. Benefits of a VI Peel can be perceived in 2-5 days, with full effects visible 7-10 days later.
Patients may feel a brief tingle or sting which will soon disappear. Numbing will occur after initial Perfect Peel application. Providers may employ a cool breeze or fan to ease patient’s discomfort.
The Perfect Peel consists of the sloughing off of thin layers of epidermis, which begins around the third day and is completed by the sixth or seventh day.
The skin will appear red immediately after the peel, similar to a sunburn, and will gradually become darker over the next few days. Peeling will begin on Day 3 and should be completed by Day 6 or 7.
Patients may resume regular activities after the peel is done; however, vigorous exercise and sweating should be avoided while peeling.
When the peel is applied and post-peel, avoiding putting any products on your face.
The most common application areas are the face, neck, chest, and hands. The Perfect Peel could be applied to other areas of the physical body, but the process and the results will differ.
Limit your sun exposure if you can’t avoid it outright. Follow this guidance before and during the peeling process to avoid uneven exposure.
Chemical Peels Pricing
<strong>Note:</strong> This service has same day recovery.
Chemical Peel
$175 / session
No consultation fees and no taxes on all medical procedures.
Chemical Peels Pricing
<strong>Note:</strong> This service has same day recovery.
Chemical Peel
$175 / session
No consultation fees and no taxes on all medical procedures.
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