Non-Surgical Brazilian Butt Lift FAQs
Depending on the correction that is needed, less syringes are required for skin laxity and hip dips versus trying to enhance overall volume of buttocks. Typically 1-3 sessions spaced 4-6 weeks apart, with maintenance treatments once every 1-2 years.
You will notice results 4-6 weeks after treatment, however optimal results occur 3 months after full series.
Minimal downtime. Tenderness and swelling are the most common side effects, it is recommended to avoid heavy exercising, heat, and submerging under water for 2 days after injection.

Non-Surgical Brazilian Butt Lift Pricing
Note: This service has same day recovery.
Packages Starting at
Pricing includes 2 appointments 1 month apart.
No taxes on all medical procedures.
Non-Surgical Brazilian Butt Lift Pricing
Note: This service has same day recovery.
Packages Starting at
Pricing includes 2 appointments 1 month apart.
No taxes on all medical procedures.
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