
Laser Hair Removal

Laser Hair Removal

What it is: Laser hair removal is performed with our Sciton and GentleMaxPro device. They deliver heat energy to the hair follicles to cause damage and inhibit future hair growth.

Who it’s for: Most effective for people with lighter skin and darker hair pigment. The advanced technology we carry with GentleMaxPro makes it safe to treat people with darker skin tone. Laser hair removal is less effective for people with light colored hairs (ie: grey, blonde, white, red)

Where it’s used: Anywhere that you have unwanted hair. Common areas on the face are the upper lip and chin. Body treatments are performed in the underarms, back, forearms, legs, bikini line, and brazilian

How often: Because hairs grow in different cycles. It is recommended to have at least 6-9 sessions spaced 4-6 weeks apart on the face, and 6-8 weeks apart on the body. Touch up sessions might be needed in the future as hormonal changes can affect hair growth.

What to expect: Depending on the area being treated, a typical session can range from 15 mins to 45 mins. With each session, you can expect up to 10-15% reduction in hair growth. Procedure has mild to moderate discomfort and topical anesthesia is not usually necessary. Some skin irritation can occur for a day or two after treatment.

Locations Offering Laser Hair Removal

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Laser Hair Removal FAQs

Laser Hair Removal Treatment Instructions


  • DO NOT wax, tweeze, color, use depilatory creams, or have electrolysis on the treatment area 4 weeks prior and during the course of treatments. Shaving is optimal.

  • On the morning of your scheduled treatment make sure to shave the area in which the procedure will take place.

  • Unless instructed otherwise, avoid using products with Retin-A, retinoids, Vitamin A, harsh exfoliating scrubs, and bleaching creams 3 days before treatment.

  • It is recommended that you avoid any type of sun exposure 2 weeks before treatment. Sun exposure may cause undesired side effects and make pigmentation worse.

  • Inform medical staff of all medications that are currently being taken as some medications are known to cause photosensitivity.

  • Notify staff of any metal plates, screws, and rods within the treatment area.

  • If you have or are currently suffering from cold sores, let your doctor know.

  • Due to high demand for treatment, a 24-hour cancellation notice is required to avoid any late cancellation fees.


  • Immediately after there may be mild redness and swelling at the treatment site, which could last up to 2 hours or longer. The redness could last up to 2-3 days. The treated area will feel like a sunburn.

  • Apply ice packs or cold aloe vera to soothe.

  • Tylenol is recommended for post-treatment discomfort.

  • Cleanse the treatment area as instructed by the team at SD Botox.

  • Avoid sun exposure, tanning beds, and creams until your treatments are completed.

  • Avoid hot showers, saunas, hot tubs swimming, and strenuous sports for 2-3 days following treatment, or until any redness, crusting, or blisters have resolved.

  • Do not wax, tweeze, bleach, or use hair removal creams or electrolysis on the treatment area until all treatments are completed.

  • You may experience "hair shedding" the first few days after treatment which sometimes mistaken for hair growth.

  • Avoid picking or scratching the treated skin.

  • Apply a thin layer of A & D ointment, Aquaphor (or any approved occlusive moisturizer), or antibiotic ointment (such as bacitracin) to the area twice a day until the skin heals.

  • Wash the treated area and pat dry for 3 days after treatment. Do not scrub.

  • Start gently scrubbing treated area on the 7th day (exfoliate)

  • Using broad-spectrum UVA/UVB SPF 30 or higher is critical when receiving treatments and is recommended for ongoing maintenance.

  • To achieve the best results, complete the full treatment schedule at the intervals recommended by your technician

Laser Hair Removal Pricing

Note: This service has same day recovery.

Small Package

$175 / session
package pricing available

Navel, Areola, Bikini Line, Feet/Hands, Chin, Upper Lip, Under Arms, Sideburns

Medium Package

$225 / session
package pricing available

Chest, Shoulders, Half Arms, Half Back, Front of Neck, Back of Neck, Brazilian, Abdomen, Buttocks

Large Package

$275 / session
package pricing available

Full Arms, Lower Legs, Upper Legs, Full Back, Full Face

Extra Large

$375 / session
package pricing available

Full legs

No taxes on all medical procedures.

Laser Hair Removal Pricing

Note: This service has same day recovery.

Small Package

$175 / session
package pricing available

Navel, Areola, Bikini Line, Feet/Hands, Chin, Upper Lip, Under Arms, Sideburns

Medium Package

$225 / session
package pricing available

Chest, Shoulders, Half Arms, Half Back, Front of Neck, Back of Neck, Brazilian, Abdomen, Buttocks

Large Package

$275 / session
package pricing available

Full Arms, Lower Legs, Upper Legs, Full Back, Full Face

Extra Large

$375 / session
package pricing available

Full legs

No taxes on all medical procedures.

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