PDO Thread Lift FAQs
The length of time your threads last depends on your body’s metabolism and the type of threads used. Most threads dissolve 6 to 9 months after the procedure, but the effects usually last much longer. Some patients see improvements for up to 3 years due to the collagen stimulating effect of the threads.
The length of your procedure depends on your treatment plan and how many threads are used. Most appointments are about 30 minutes. Patients typically return to normal activities the same day.
A topical numbing agent will be applied, followed by a numbing medication injection to the treatment areas. Once the numbing effects have kicked in, the procedure will begin. Some swelling or bruising at treatment sites may be experienced, but most can return to activities the same day. Results are immediate.
The body safely breaks down the biodegradable threads used in surgical sutures. Manage minor pain and discomfort with over-the-counter medication or ice.
NovaThreads come in three different types: barbed, smooth, or twisted. Your provider will discuss your options to help you achieve the desired effect.
Patients who want a non-surgical facelift to improve the appearance of loose, drooping skin or reverse the signs of aging may want to consider a PDO Thread Lift. Non-smokers tend to get the best results from this procedure.

PDO Thread Lift Pricing
Note: This service has same day recovery.
Lower Face Lift
Pricing includes 2 appointments 1 month apart.
Mid Face Lift
Pricing includes 2 appointments 1 month apart.
Brow Lift
Pricing includes 2 appointments 1 month apart.
Twist PDO Collagen Threads
Smooth Collagen Threads
No consultation fees and no taxes on all medical procedures.
PDO Thread Lift Pricing
Note: This service has same day recovery.
Lower Face Lift
Pricing includes 2 appointments 1 month apart.
Mid Face Lift
Pricing includes 2 appointments 1 month apart.
Brow Lift
Pricing includes 2 appointments 1 month apart.
Twist PDO Collagen Threads
Smooth Collagen Threads
No consultation fees and no taxes on all medical procedures.
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